came to me

PÔM comes from “paume”, palm in French. With the hands we draw, with the palms we feel and we touch.

In the palms there is the connection. Between me and other people, between me and the world. There is sensitivity and presence. The palm can touch and can sustain.

PÔM is a sound, with a singular meaning and vibration.

PÔM is a place where the singularities can join, can explore themselves, and can spread their potential.

PÔM is a vibration.

We can sing it together.

It contains the sound “OM” and “P”

Om - one of the most important symbols of Hinduism – represents the essence of the supreme Absolute, the ONE and contains all the material but stay untouchable.

P sounds as an impact, the contact with something tangible. When you draw, you paint, you dance you create a footprint of something that is inside. You Print. You percute.

In PÔM we create this
contact: we make tangible
the intangible, we make
visible the invisible, we
create experience where
through the creation
people can have this
contact to what they have
inside their selves.

Intuition, wisdom, perception, knowledge, and sensitivity…

And we create a safe, flexible, and shared place to share it and explore it.

With PÔM we offer
IMPACT through

Art & Visual Thinking is the tip of the iceberg.

Live experience is the core.

CONSULTING is what allow us to
guide the client to create the
impact she/he desired and to
design a meaningful experience
where people feel touched,
engaged and connected to their
potential and wisdom.

IMPACT is what we offer, from an
inside to outside, we guide, we
make visible and me help you to
spread this experience, this
change you want in the world.

Let's vibrate together, let's re-unite us.

Enough read. Start here

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